Water leak detectors can be found in just about any home repair depots in the country. Although these smart detectors can easily do away your water leak worries, they come at a very expensive price. But if you’re one of those hands-on homeowners that are keen on getting to know their home's’ structural details and want to find the leaks on their own pace, here are a few locations you may consider looking into.
Water Supply Line
Many would take the water supply line out of the equation because of the usual assumption that it is impossible for a water leak to occur in this location. It is, after all, buried 3 feet below the ground. But water leaks in the water supply line are no less damaging and are actually the hardest to repair as it requires services only a professional plumber can provide. Before calling a professional, however, determining whether the leak is coming from the supply pipes can easily be done on your own.
Checking the meter box for water is one method. If it is not due to rain or any other external causes, it can mean a leak in the water supply line. Also, water damage in Las Vegas NV from pipes that are buried on the ground can accumulate in the soil. If the locations of your pipes from the main water supply line are constantly damp, it can also indicate a water leak.
Water leaks from toilets are the most common and can often continue undiscovered resulting to a rough estimation of 20%-35% of water leak causes in all residential homes. They can be quiet and out of view but can be detected early on by listening for a gurgling sound when the toilet is not being used.
Looking for leaks in your toilet, however, needs a more methodical process to be successfully accomplished. By removing and inspecting the tank lid and flush mechanism of your toilet, you can measure the water level from the top of the overflow tube: It should be no more than an inch. If it is more than the right amount, then it is safe to assume that water is leaking into the overflow tube and down the drain. To quickly remedy this, check the float and refill valve for any damages and fix or replace them accordingly and if necessary.
It is true that every drip counts. A small drip alone from a worn faucet or showerhead can waste around 75 liters of water daily. Fortunately, water leaks from faucets are the most common, thus the easiest ones to repair on your own. The repairs that can be done on your faucet can depend on their type and they all vary in shape and mechanism.
There are four basic types of faucets that you may need to research first, namely: ball type, compression valve, cartridge type and ceramic discs. Although modern types of valves have been introduced in the market over the past few years, it is still worth considering learning first about the basics than buying an entirely new set of fixture. In order to fix the water damage on faucets on your own, an extensive research on its types should first be done to avoid any unnecessary damages during repair and replacement.
In very dry climates, especially in Las Vegas, air-conditioning that run on evaporative coolers are being used on a regular basis. These machines require a connection to the home’s water supply line to maintain water in its cooler and use evaporation to send cool air into the structure. The refill valve located on its water reservoir sometimes stays open. This can cause a constant flow of water to enter, draining out the actual overflow line of the machine. This kind of water damage Las Vegas NV can be dangerous as it is usually detected only months and years after actual water damage has occurred.
Checking the cooler of the air-conditioning unit on your own for leaks is easy. You only have to shut off the unit and look for any signs of water draining through the overflow line. If water damages have been found, it can easily be repaired by replacing the valve, pump or any water lines connected to the unit.